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Oct, 2019
| G. C. Strinati
| University of Camerino, Italy
| The BCS-BEC crossover with ultra-cold Fermi atomsposter-G. C. Strinati.pdf
August, 2018??
| Cheng Chin
| University of Chicago
| New Directions in Quantum Gas Experiments Poster-Cheng Chin.pdf
May, 2018
| Joseph H. Thywissen
| University of Toronto
| Ultracold Fermionsposter-Joseph Thywissen.pdf
April, 2016
| Paul S. Julienne
| Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland and NIST
| Fundamentals of Cold Atomic and Molecular Collisionsposter-Paul.pdf
March, 2016
| Thierry Giamarchi
| University of Geneva
| Quantum Physics in One Dimensionposter.pdf
July, 2014
| Shina Tan
| Georgia Institute of Technology
| Some Few-Body Problems for Ultracold Atoms
| Yvan Castin
| LKB-ENS, Paris, France
| Lectures 1 and 2: Temporal coherence of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, and application to spin squeezing / Lectures 3 and 4: Unitary gases and the Efimov effect
| Gordon Baym
| University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
| Superfluidity
| Alexander Fetter
| Standford University
| Quantum Many-body Correlation Functions and Applications to BEC